1. Certificate in Ministry

Short term courses tailored to suit those entering it.

2. Certificate in Pastoral Ministries

This program is a one year course designed for persons who are mainly interested in church planting, preaching, and teaching.

3. Higher Certificate in Practical Theology

The H/C in Practical Theology Program is a two-year program designed to equip persons to perform basic tasks of Christian ministry. This is pursued through biblical, theological, historical, educational, and guided practical ministry studies.

4. Diploma in Theology

This is an advanced study to equip Chris-tian leaders in biblical research methods. Persons who complete this course should be able to research and apply biblical lessons to the needs of the 21st-century church. To help students understand and apply the principles, methods, and concepts of wholistic mission for effective evangelism, church, and community development.

Requirements for admission

A strong secondary education is required for all the programs except the CIM. Persons with weaker secondary grades would be admitted to the H/C in the Pastoral Ministries program.
